
Monday, October 12, 2009

Rush Limbaugh says he is Not divisive, he is just a 'communicator'. Hmmmm.

Rush Limbaugh, as usual, jumped out of his skin this morning in an interview on the Today Show. He says he is not controverial, he is not an actor, not an entertainer, he is rather a 'communicator.' He does not see himself as he truly is, a divider, and a hate monger. He sees himself as a regular guy who tends to be 'bombastic'. Rush maintains that he does not influence people , he just puts his opinions out there, and people make up their own minds. Rush sees himself as a 'conservative' and thinks Republicans should not be opposed to what he 'communicates.' That he is the political and financial success, he has become, speaks volumes about him and his following.

NOW, the Republicans are trying to distance themselves from this poisonous, hate monger and it is way too late. The GOP should remember how they tried to defeat health care reform with the 'Death Panel,' and how they have smeared Barack Obama by saying he is not a citizen thereby creating the 'Birther" movement. Well, the chickens have come home to roost. Republicans, for all their myopia, surely are astute enough to know that perception, once established, can be more powerful than fact.

What a bunch of whiners. The Republicans used Rush to whip up public opinion, to their advantage, and now that a negative perception is fixed in the public mind they no longer like that opinion and they no longer are in love with Rush. They used Limbaugh and it backfired. He is just so much toilet paper to them now. Sorry, Republicans that stink is ground in and you can't wash it out.

The conundrum is that he really believes he is a 'good man with good intentions and good ole' fashioned manners.' He is da' king a denial personified. Distance themselves if they think they can, deny his influence if they will, but he is stuck to Republicans like bubblegum on the bottom of a shoe.

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