
Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Underground Economy

Check out this link to Market Watch with my topic, The Underground Economy

Given the weak state of our economy, and the government's financial pinch, will a permanent underground economy be formed by our newly economically generated underclass? I think so because it is the only way for some to survive.


  1. the american consumer of the past is history. there will be more of a barter system, which will include services for goods. there is no set pricing any more. the price is what some one is willing to pay for it. if you are trying to sell something, may it be your goods or your services there will be no buyers. the old saying--find a niche and fill it--- is the way of the future. fiat anything is on the way out. get to know your neighbors, and co-workers. personal networking will be the key. and the family will be the lock.

  2. That is the truth. It was just an observation, but you would have thought I committed a stupid act to bring it up on MW. Good grief, its the truth.
